Original Paintings
Below are available paintings for sale. Price does not include shipping.
*check out my Instagram for other paintings for sale. See something you like? Just ask!

Three-headed Hyena/35x35inch/acrylic and ink. On Canvas. Framed.
Three Headed Bald Eagle/24x36inch/acrylic and ink. On Canvas. Framed.
Three Headed Yellow-Billed Stork/24x48 Inch/ Acrylic and ink. On canvas. Framed.
Untitled/20x20 Inch/Acrylic and Ink. On Canvas. Framed
Plague Dance/36x36 Inch/Acrylic and ink. On Canvas. Not framed.
BioShock/24x36 Inch/Acrylic and Ink. On Hand Stretched Canvas. Not framed.